Hazardous Substance Control

Hazardous Substance Control

Hazardous Substance Control

Management of Hazardous Substances

In response to the rising global consumer demand for green products, the United States, the European Union and Japan have enacted laws to incorporate appropriate environmental elements into products. Inventec complies with various regulations on the prohibition and restriction of hazardous substances in all types of products. In addition to introducing and building a complete management system, Inventec follows the QC 080000 process to promote and manage its green supply chain. Furthermore, we have established a specialized task force for green products to promptly collect, integrate and respond to the needs of relevant stakeholders, and update Inventec Hazardous Substance Free (HSF) Management Standard every year in order to comply with increasingly stringent requirements for environmentally friendly products.


To keep abreast of the latest international environmental regulations, Inventec communicates internally through various channels to ensure timely confirmation and response to customers' hazardous substance standards.

  • Green product conference: Convene a monthly meeting to disseminate new information on hazardous substance control.
  • Green e-newsletter: Assess the impact of HS-related international regulations and customer requirements, and publish every quarter.
  • Conducting in-house training courses: Hold annual training sessions on updates to international environmental regulations and relevant response measures, as well as explanations for revisions to Inventec Hazardous Substance Free (HSF) Management Standard.
Hazardous Substances Free Management Actions 
Procurement from Suppliers
  • Suppliers are required to sign the Environment Protection Declaration
  • Hold supplier briefing sessions to announce the new version of Inventec Hazardous Substance Free (HSF) Management Standard, which is reviewed and revised annually
  • From design to development, suppliers are required to provide a chemical laboratory test report certified by ISO17025 or other similar standards
  • Download hazardous substance test report data via cloud services, optimizing supplier test report submission, and streamlining the review process

Cloud interconnected platform-Inventec iSupplier platform

Research and Development
  • Collect and consolidate environmental regulations related to green products and customer green product standard requirements
  • Conduct impact assessment
  • Revise "Inventec Hazardous Substance Free (HSF) Management Standard" as a basis for component selection in design
  • Optimize the supplier management platform (iSupplier)

Connection and Review Approach

Production and Manufacturing
  • Sample testing of hazardous substance content in components
  • Components of concern are subject to re-evaluation by the factory's chemical laboratory or a third-party laboratory to ensure that incoming materials comply with the requirements of "Inventec Hazardous Substance Free (HSF) Management Standard"
No violations 0 in 2023
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