Global Recruitment

Global Recruitment

Global Recruitment

Diverse Recruitment

With “talent-oriented” belief, Inventec explicitly stipulates that all global factories should treat employees of different races, classes, languages,ideologies, religions, parties, genders, marital statuses, physical and mental disabilities, and sexual orientations equally and fairly. We have also established a diverse human resources recruitment system, offering multiple channels for recruitment, including job platforms, industry-academic partnerships, internal referrals, social media, campus recruiting, and international talent recruitment. These multi-faceted approaches enable us to attract a wide range of talented individuals.

Campus Cultivation
  • Internship and industry-academia training projects
  • Campus recruitment fair
  • Professional exchanges, corporate visits, and competitions
  • Industry master special program
  • Scholarship scheme
  • R&D cooperation plan

Employer Brand
  • Diversified community management
  • Optimize working environment
  • Strengthen software and hardware for promotion
  • Enhance employee recognition

Digital Transformation
  • Comprehensive online test
  • Conduct online interview
  • Build a talent pool

Recruitment Channel
  • Expand recruitment through job platforms
  • Enhance employee referrals
  • Introduce the overseas professionals
  • Employment service agency and job fair
  • AI and 5G cutting-edge technological talents

Total Employees



Number of people


New Employees

  • Based on the total number of employees as of December 31 of the year.
  • Click on the chart legend to see data by age group

A Diverse and Inclusive Workplace

Inventec places great emphasis on diversity and equality in the workplace, and is committed to providing an equal, diverse and inclusive work environment. In 2023, females represented 41.92% of total employees on average, with female supervisors accounting for 26.56% of total management positions. The targeted share of women in total workforce in 2024 is 45%.

  • The ratio is calculated based on the total number of employees as of December 31 of the current year.

Women Empowerment

Inventec endeavors to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace culture. Currently, over one-quarter of our managers are female. Females account for 46.90% of management roles within profit-driven departments and 17.32% of management positions in STEM. Inventec remains committed to promoting gender equality and addressing the diverse needs of employees at all levels. This commitment brings positive impacts to the organization and ensures that respect for human rights and diversity in the workplace are fully practiced throughout our value chain.

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