Promote Biodiversity

Promote Biodiversity

Promote Biodiversity

Biodiversity Risk Assessment

To gain insight into the impacts and dependencies of the operations on nature, Inventec has adopted the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework. Utilizing the LEAP methodology (Locate-Evaluate-Assess-Prepare approach), we identify the risks and opportunities associated with our operating sites and upstream suppliers. This systematic approach allows Inventec to better identify and evaluate our impacts and dependencies on nature. Additionally, to effectively understand the issues and status of dependency and impact, we engaged both our own operations and supplier partners. In the first phase, we focused on our Shilin Headquarters and Taiwan factories, setting up relevant mitigation plans. This effort will be expanded to major overseas production sites in the future. In 2024, in terms of our own operations, the assessment involved key departments responsible for disaster response, pollution prevention, energy management, plant management, and finance. We also invited 17 upstream supplier partners with factories in Taiwan to participate in the assessment. By looking into the four main types of nature dependency ("Provisioning Services", "Regulating and Supporting Services", "Cultural Services", and "Non-biotic Flows"), we identified five major categories. Within the five main impact types ("Ecosystem Change", " Natural Resource Use and Exploitation ", "Climate Change", "Pollution" and "Invasive Species and Others"), we also identified seven major categories.

Assessment Framework:LEAP


Step 1


Using Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial data overlay analysis, Inventec maps the locations of the assets, operating sites, and the supply chain. The analysis determines whether these areas overlap with biological habitats or protected areas and identifies if they have a direct relationship with Inventec’s value chain activities.


Step 2


Inventec evaluates the impacts and dependencies of the various activities on nature, determining whether the activity has a positive or negative impact.


Step 3


Further analysis is conducted to assess the nature-related risks and opportunities faced by Inventec. These findings are then integrated into the Company’s annual risk management processes.


Step 4


Inventec prepares comprehensive strategic plans to respond to nature-related risks and opportunities.

Inventec’s Own Operations: Nature Dependency Risk Identification Results for 2024


Risk Level

Number of Affected Factories

Water Resources
Insufficient Water Supply



Global and Local Climate Regulation 
Extreme Heat



Storm Mitigation
Severe Wind Disasters (Sandstorms, Typhoons, etc.)



Local Climate Regulation
Extreme Rainfall Events



Disease Control
Outbreaks of Large-scale Epidemics



Inventec's Nature Dependency Results and Mitigations in 2024


(Ecosystem Services)

Duration of
Physical Risk Impact

Financial Impact Analysis

Potential Opportunities


Water Resources
Insufficient Water Supply
  • Impact on revenue: Seasonal water shortages affect production capacity
  • Increased operating costs
  • Enhanced drought resilience
  • Improved water-saving performance
  • Increased opportunities for water recycling technology partnerships
  • Deploy a group response team to promptly gather government information on each plant’s location    
  • Strengthen and promote daily water-saving measures among employees
Global and Local Climate Regulation
Extreme Heat
  • Increased operating costs: Higher air conditioning and electricity demand
  • Impact on revenue: Extreme Heat results in power rationing, leading to reduced production capacity
  • Improved energy-saving performance
  • Development of alternative energy solutions
  • Deploy a group response team to promptly gather information on significant temperature anomalies in various locations
  • Establish more flexible energy plans, such as installing renewable energy facilities and optimizing plant equipment usage
Storm Mitigation Severe Wind Disasters
Sandstorms, Typhoons, etc.
  • Increased capital expenditure due to damage to plants or equipment
  • Revenue is affected by operation disruptions
Establishing robust emergency response capabilities within the group
  • Strengthen the response team’s capabilities, improve plant facility disaster prevention plans, and reduce operational disruption risk and disaster damage
  • Enhance the disaster SOPs and drills, and reinforce real-time weather information system alerts
Local Climate Regulation
Extreme Rainfall Events
  • Increased capital expenditure due to damage to plants or equipment
  • Revenue is affected by operation disruptions
Reorganize and optimize infrastructure to improve factory disaster prevention and response capabilitiesStrengthen disaster response capabilities, maintain normal operation of drainage facilities, and improve remote work mechanisms for employees
Disease Control
Outbreaks of Large-Scale Epidemics
Long-termDecrease in revenue: Disruption of operations due to inability to gather during the epidemicDecrease in revenue: Disruption of operations due to inability to gather during the epidemicStrengthen the response team’s capabilities, improve remote work mechanisms for employees, and stock sufficient protective equipment such as masks

Inventec’s Own Operations: Nature Impact Risk Identification Results for 2024

Based on the extent of risk exposure and the impact on operations, seven categories have been identified.




Indirect Energy Use
Such as the Use of Steam, Electricity and Thermal Energy


Climate Change
Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Solid Waste


Resource Use
Use of Fossil Fuels


Emissions of Non-Greenhouse Gas Air Pollutants


Resource Use
Use of Freshwater Resources


Resource Use
Mineral resources, such as metals and non-metals


Inventec's Nature Impact Results and Mitigations in 2024

Taking into account policy/legal, financial, technological, market, and reputational aspects of transitional risks, along with the short-, medium-, and long-term timeframe of impacts, we conducted the assessment and identified three categories of impacts with corresponding countermeasures to promptly monitor and mitigate the risks and impacts on our operations.



Duration of 
Transitional Risk Impact

Potential Transition Risks

Financial Impact

Potential Opportunities


Resource Use
Indirect Energy (Electricity) Use
  • Market: Increased customer requirements and investor concerns
  • Technology: Development of renewable energy technologies
  • Financial: Increased operating costs
  • Higher operating costs, such as electricity bills
  • Increased expenses for installing renewable energy facilities
  • Increased electricity procurement costs
  • Reduced carbon fee/tax expenses
  • Meeting customers’ expectations and cooperating with them to create low-carbon product opportunities
  • Lowering loan interest rates to reduce funding costs
  • Actively collaborate with the value chain to procure renewable electricity
  • Evaluate the feasibility of building in-house renewable energy solutions
Climate Change
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Financial: Rising operating costs
  • Technology: Development of low-carbon technologies
  • Market: Accelerated demand for carbon neutrality or net-zero emissions from customers
  • Reputation: Diminished brand value for high-carbon emission products
  • Increased operating costs such as carbon fees/taxes, electricity bills, etc.
  • Loss of customers and decrease in revenue
  • Developing smart production models to reduce carbon emissions effectively
  • Reducing carbon fees/taxes
  • Enhancing competitiveness by developing low-carbon product technologies
  • Optimize energy efficiency to reduce energy consumption
  • Increase the use of renewable energy
Solid Waste
  • Regulations: Increasingly stringent regulations requiring goal setting and public disclosure
  • Technology: Development of recycling technologies
  • Market: Increased customer requirements
Higher operating costs, such as waste treatment and certification feesOpportunities in developing a circular economyObtain certifications and implement recycling practices

Inventec is equally attentive to the nature dependencies and impacts related to our supplier partners. The results of the first phase of identification for 2024 are as follows. We will also seek to understand and monitor the response measures of our suppliers, and incorporate relevant issues into our supplier management mechanisms as necessary, including adding controlled topics to ESG assessment items, ensuring compliance with regulations, and implementing audits and improvement measures to reduce the impact on Inventec’s operations.



Nature Dependency Items

Nature Impact Items


Global and Local Climate Regulation
Extreme Heat
Resource Use
Indirect Energy Use


Water Resources
Insufficient Water Supply
Climate Change
Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Local Climate Regulation
Extreme Rainfall Events
Resource Use
Mineral Use


Air Filtration Services
Deterioration of Air Quality
Solid Waste


River Flood Control Services
Occurrence of Floods
Water Pollution


Non-biotic Flows - Metal Minerals
Shortage of Metal Mineral Supply
Resource Use
Water Resource Use


Disease Control
Outbreaks of Large-scale Epidemics
Resource Use
Fossil Energy Use


Precipitation Pattern Regulation
Uneven Rainfall
Air Pollution Emissions


Precipitation Pattern Regulation
Drought Events
Ecosystem Changes
Terrestrial Ecosystem Use


Landslide Mitigation
Occurrence of Landslides or Mudslides

Long-term Adoption of Wetland of National Importance

Since 2012, Inventec and the Inventec Group Charity Foundation have been carrying out the "Love‧Happiness-Let’s Take Care of the Local Ecological Environment" project for 12 consecutive years by adopting the wetland of national importance, Guandu Nature Park. In the year of 2023, the ecological experience of a total of 108,752.

"Love‧Happiness─Let's Take Care of the Local Ecological Environment.”

Innovative Outdoor Ecological Value Chain Exchange Program

Since 2015, Inventec has been promoting the “Migratory Birds' Ark, Ecological Sustainability Program." In order to enhance the concept of green life education and link the direction of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, on August 25, 2023, Inventec hosted the "Biodiversity Environmental Education Walk" and "Handmade Silk-Screened Eco-Bags for Rural School Children" at Guandu Nature Park. With a total of 108 representatives from 78 suppliers in attendance, Inventec joined hands with its supply chain partners. The ecological experience activities on that day were arranged in a way that highlights the significance of sustainability, including:

  • The event location was Guandu Nature Park which is rated as an environmental education facility. Professional guided tours led four groups of participants through the Biodiversity Environmental Education Walk. Participants experienced the meaning of "environmental sustainability" and appreciated the “installation art“ of 2023 Guandu International Nature Art Festival.

  • Supplier representatives participated in the "Handmade Silk-Screened Eco-Bags for Rural School Children" activity and donated their handmade silk-screened eco-bags to students from the five sessions of the wetland environmental education program held in 2023. While receiving environmental education, the children also received eco-bags that symbolized ecological awareness.

  • For lunch, "Angels' Lunch Boxes" from the "Children Are Us Bakery & Restaurant" were prepared, showing support for sheltered workplaces together with suppliers. This practical action supported individuals with intellectual disabilities who are capable and willing to work but are unable to find employment in the general job market.

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