Safe and Healthy Workplace

Safe and Healthy Workplace

Safe and Healthy Workplace

Occupational Health and Safety Management System

To comprehensively implement safety and health management, Inventec has adopted an Occupational Safety and Health Management System. All seven global factories have been certified through the International Occupational Safety and Health Management System (ISO 45001). Furthermore, our corporate headquarters has received certification through the Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System (CNS 45001). In terms of execution, Inventec follows the four steps of the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Action) cycle to carry out various safety and health measures, preventing occupational accidents and illnesses and ensuring a stable, safe, and healthy working environment for all workers, both employees and non-employees.

Occupational Safety and Health Committee

Inventec has established an Occupational Safety and Health Committee, selecting its members through an open and transparent process. Among them, labor representatives account for more than 50% of the committee members in both factories in Taiwan and China.

The Roles and Responsibilities of The Committee

The Occupational Safety and Health Committee convenes regular meetings at least once every quarter to discuss the company's safety and health strategies and proposals. The Committee is responsible for reviewing the issues related to near-miss incidents of employees and contractors, accidents, occupational hazards, and non-compliance matters. The root causes of these incidents are analyzed and improvement strategies are formulated, with preventive measures in place to avoid the recurrence of similar situations. Its primary responsibilities are as follows:

  • Compliance with safety, health, and environment-related regulations
  • Educational implementation plan
  • Prevention of hazards from machinery, equipment, and raw materials
  • Development of countermeasures based on operating environment monitoring results Health management
  • Health management
  • Regular review of the performance of safety, health, and environment operations

Specific Implementation Actions

Under the motto "Zero Accidents in the Factory, Happy and Healthy Workplace", the Occupational Safety and Health Committee at Inventec carries out the following specific implementation actions:


  • Health Protection Health Promotion
  • Communication Negotiation
  • Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
  • Contingency Drill Educational Training
  • Contractor Safety Operational Control

Health Protection Health Promotion

  • Develop annual health services plan
  • Health check-up for current employees (once a year)
  • Assist family members to arrange health check-ups
  • Set up physician consultation service
  • Hired medical consultant (Cardiovascular)
  • Carry out various health promotion activities
  • Organize various health lectures and health education promotions
  • Implement maternal/human hazard/overload preventive health protection

Communication Negotiation

  • Occupational Safety and Health Committee
  • Establish internal consultation, communication and negotiation channels
  • Handle external communication matters

Hazard Identification Risk Assessment

  • Conduct hazard identification and risk assessment at least once a year
  • Implement when there are processes change management requirements
  • Assess whether operational procedures/activities comply with regulations
  • Determine unacceptable risks, establish goals, targets, and management plans, and carry out reviews and improvements as needed

Inventec gathers its safety, health, and environment seed members annually to ensure a comprehensive understanding of potential high-risk and high-hazard factors within its factories. These trained members then perform hazard identification and risk assessment for all factories. They quantify various hazard factors and prioritize them based on the level of risk, subsequently setting priority improvement goals. Risk management is carried out through management plans and engineering improvements. Inventec maintains precise records and manages the execution of relevant actions and improvements. Regular tracking, review, and improvement are conducted to continuously eliminate potential safety and health hazards within the factory.

Contingency Drill Educational Training

  • Establish an emergency response team
  • Firefighting groups of personnel on each floor
  • Develop annual emergency response plan and conduct emergency response drills (twice per year)
  • All personnel participate in emergency response/escape evacuation drills
  • Promote various occupational safety and health education, training and publicity

Inventec formulates emergency response measures and post-disaster recovery plans, and sets up an emergency response team to transmit and grasp emergency response information in real time; it also holds regular in-factory fire drills every year to disseminate various fire protection information to colleagues, including disaster prevention knowledge, factory disaster levels, use of fire-fighting equipment, factory evacuation routes and related emergency measures, etc., to strengthen disaster handling capabilities, familiar with emergency response procedures and related precautions; in the event of a disaster, all colleagues can respond quickly and implement emergency response perfectly disposal, thereby eliminating disasters or minimizing harm. 

Each factory in Taiwan holds two emergency response and disaster prevention safety drills. Fire drills in China factories are divided into day shift and night shift evacuation drills.




Inventec provides employees with a variety of safety and health training to enhance their safety and health knowledge, such as general on-the-job personnel education and training, fire management personnel training, CPR first aid training, industrial safety and health training and various on-the-job training; as for special personnel Operational education and training items include forklifts, organic solvents, radiation safety and protection, pressure vessels, boilers, etc.


In 2023, there were 17,981 participants in the occupational safety and health training and we held 33 emergency response training sessions, including fire response and first aid training.

Safety in Contracting Operations

To ensure the safety in contracting operations, Inventec has established a contractor management system. Inventec has formulated the “Measures for the Management of Contractors’ Safe Operations” and various operation control forms. We strictly require all contractors and their employees working within our controlled areas to comply with these regulations. Before commencing any project, in accordance with legal requirements, contractors are required to participate in a coordination meeting. During this meeting, a contractor safety and health management commitment agreement is signed. All contractor personnel are strictly required to complete the contractor safety and health education and training before performing various operations.

  • Convene an agreement organization meeting and sign the contractor’s safety and health management commitment letter
  • Conduct safety and health education and training for contractors (all contractors, complete training before work)
  • Operation control: Fill out the application form for entering the factory and apply for a work safety permit for hazardous operations (hot/elevated/hypoxia/hanging)
  • Implement hazard notifications, publicize various regulations and enhance construction safety awareness


Inventec has established the contractor’s work-related injury notification mechanism. Up to the present moment, there have been no reported cases of work-related injuries among contractors. Furthermore, we have not been informed of any work-related accidents or incidents resulting in the loss of labor force and absenteeism. There have also been no instances of severe work-related injuries requiring more than 6 months of rest.

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