Labor Human Rights

Labor Human Rights

Labor Human Rights

Communication Channels and Grievance Mechanism

Inventec values and listens to the voices of its employees. In addition to establishing six major communication mechanisms, we have implemented an "Employee Grievance System" across all our global factories, in order to ensure that employees are provided with appropriate channels for immediate feedback and regular communication. Furthermore, we have formulated the "Global Employee Code of Conduct Management Measures", "Employee Grievance and External Reporting Management Specifications" and "Personnel Management Measures" to safeguard employee rights. We ensure sound protection for anyone making reports or disclosures, preventing any discrimination, coercion, post transfer, or other unfavorable treatment against whistleblowers.


The Six Major Communication MechanismsPracticeShilin Headquarters Taoyuan FactoryPudong FactoryChongqing Factory
Two-way communication between grass-root employees and executivesTeam leader and workers’ representative forum
Discussions on business strategy and operational developmentDirector level meeting
Monthly meeting
Cross-functional communicationTechnical committee meeting, project meeting, and teams meeting
Labor-management communication and welfare policy and promotionManagement and labor council
Welfare committee meeting
Problem response and information advisoryiService, LINE, WeChat, and Facebook
HR and factory communication website
Employee care hotline
One-stop service contact
Suggestion box
Employee care groupEmployee care committee meeting (forum)
Labor Grievance Cases in 2023

In order to promote the physical and mental health of employees, it is important for Inventec to have good communication. Therefore, we have established sound internal and external grievance channels and processes to report problems to the company. In terms of labor complaints in 2023, no factories around the world received complaints related to environmental damage, human rights violations, child labor, discrimination disputes, corruption and bribery, etc., and there were no labor disputes that resulted in work stoppages. The number of related work stoppages and the total number of work stoppage days were both 0. 

Employee Satisfaction Survey

To understand employee voice and develop policies that attract, retain, and nurture outstanding talents, Inventec conducts the satisfaction survey to identify areas for continuous improvement. The survey aims to gauge employees' external motivations and their overall satisfaction with their work, including the extrinsic incentives such as employess benefits. In 2023, 27.79% of all Inventec employees participated in the satisfaction survey, with 71.60% of the respondents rating their satisfaction at the highest level, thereby exceeding the 2023 target of 70%. Inventec believes that increasing workplace satisfaction will simultaneously boost talent recruitment and retention, productivity, and business performance, generating positive outcomes across the board.

Human Rights Management

Inventec is committed to creating an equal and harmonious working environment. It is clearly stipulated in our policy that all factories around the world should treat all individuals equally, regardless of their race, social class, language, belief, religion, political affiliation, gender, marital status, and mental disability. We also invite our supply chain partners to join us to follow the same standards. We comply with and support the core principles of international norms and guidelines, including the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as well as relevant laws and regulations of the countries where we operate. Based on these, we have formulated the human rights policy, with a focus on 8 key issues serving as our major guiding principles, to ensure the protection of human rights. In 2023, Inventec reported no incidents of human rights violations.

Inventec’s Human Rights Issues

Occupational Safety and Health

Diversity in Employment, Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment

Freely Chosen Employment

Child Labor

Working Hours, Compensation, and Benefits

Freedom of Assembly and Association

Freedom of Speech and Grievance Channels

Responsible Minerals Management

Human Rights Due Diligence

In 2023, we conducted a human rights due diligence survey among our colleagues in Taiwan, China, Czech and Mexico and suppliers. Based on the assessment of  the "impact scale and scope" and "likelihood of occurrence", we established Inventec’s human rights risk matrix. This served as our foundation for managing the risks with high to moderate concerns and developing mitigation and remedial measures, which have been implemented at three sites in Taiwan. Please refer to Inventec’s 2023 Human Rights Due Diligence Report for details.


Review Inventec’s human rights policy

Identify significant human rights issues

Consolidate management measures

Assess risks

Mitigation measures

Conduct regular tracking
Human Rights Due Diligence Matrix
  • Employee
  • Supplier
Report download