Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Inventec adopted a candidate nomination system to elect the 17th board of directors in 2023, electing 9 directors (including 3 independent directors) for a term of 3 years (from June 13, 2023 to June 12, 2026). The board of directors is responsible to the shareholders' meeting and exercises its powers in accordance with laws, company articles of association and shareholders' meeting resolutions. Board members uphold an attitude of loyalty, prudence and fulfilling the responsibilities of managers, and evaluate the company's business strategy, risk management, annual budget, business performance and supervision of major capital expenditures, investment dispositions and other major matters. Board members continue to receive further education during their term, and the company purchases liability insurance for all directors.

Board Diversity Policy

According to「 Article 20 of the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles 」and「Article 3 of Procedures for Election of Directors」, the members of the Board shall have knowledge, skills, and accomplishments as required by the duties. As a whole, the Board shall be able to make operational judgment and accounting and financial analysis, as well as have business management ability, crisis handling ability, industrial knowledge, a global market view, and leadership and decision-making abilities. The belief policy for director selection includes but is not limited to the following two major goals:

  • Basic conditions and value (gender, age, nationality, race or ethnicity,  and culture)
  • Professional knowledge and skills (e.g., law, accounting, industry, finance, marketing, or technology).
The Status of the Board's diversity policy


More than half of the Directors do not concurrently serve as managerial personnel.


The number of Independent Directors shall not be less than one-third of total number of Directors.


Board Performance Evaluation

Inventec's Board Performance Evaluation Guidelines stipulates that an external evaluation will be conducted by a professional independent organization or a team of external experts and scholars at least every three years.

In 2023, the self-assessment results for the Board of Directors, functional committees (Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Sustainability Committee), and individual directors were all excellent, with no significant areas for improvement identified. Moving forward, the Company plans to continue enhancing Board diversity in various aspects, including gender and tenure, which will be considered during the next re-election. Additionally, the Company will continue to supervise sustainable development and risk management to uphold the Company’s core value towards sustainability.

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