Ethical Management

Ethical Management

Ethical Management

Ethical Management

Inventec has formulated the “Codes of Ethical Conduct ”, "Global Employee Standards of Conduct", "Employee Grievance and External Reporting Management Regulations", "Ethical Management Operational Procedures and Guidelines", and the amendment of the “Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles” was approved by the Board of Directors in 2022, to standardize the prevention of the occurrence of conflict of interest circumstances. Simultaneously, the corporate governance team under the Sustainability Committee is responsible for the oversight of integrity management. Through cross-departmental collaboration, it strengthens the culture of good integrity management within the company. Moreover, we further extend the self-requirements to the suppliers who partner with us.


Board of Directors 
  • Adhere to the Code of Integrity Operation and actively implement the integrity management policy.
  • In 2023, 100% of the Board members completed the training on ethical management and anti-corruption.
All employees 
  • Renew the signing of the declaration to comply with the Employee Code of Conduct and Confidentiality Rules every year, and promote the points to note when conducting business via videos. 
  • In 2023, a total of 10,442 people took integrity management training, with 18,051 hours of training.
New employees 

Have to participation in the “Implementation of the Internal Control System” and related legal training course.


  • Hold supplier conference to promote integrity management
  • Formulat "New Manufacturer Assessment Management Measures" that requires new suppliers to have a good reputation and meet Inventec's ethical requirements.
  • The "Procurement Contracts" explicitly stipulate that suppliers shall abide by the special guarantee clause, prohibiting the payment of commission, proportional commission, brokerage fees, kickback, or other forms of benefits. In the event of a violation, Inventec reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately, and the supplier must unconditionally cooperate in seeking compensation from the recipient of such benefits.
  • Contracts prohibiting the receipt or provision of improper benefits are signed with suppliers.

Fulfill customer requirements and ensure compliance with customer standards.


Conduct audits and self-assessments on a regular basis to ensure full compliance and prevent unethical behavior.

2023 Employee Integrity Management Training Completion Rates

Ethical Management Implementation

Mitigation for high-risk units

In accordance with the "Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles" and the “Ethical Management Operational Procedures and Guidelines”, through the cooperation of various units, after the unit risk is assessed for the definition of improper benefits and also complete the self-assessment on a regular basis. Based on their respective responsibilities, the good ethics practice and legal compliance culture within the Company are strengthened in diversified ways. The coverage includes the Inventec Group to ensure that the company implements and follows the precautions set out in the Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles. The main risks of the self-assessment are unfamiliarity with the statutory and corporate requirements, and the management is enhanced through training.


Accept reports and investigation results

The personnel handling the reported case transferred all cases to the responsible unit and reported to the independent directors. In 2023, no act without integrity was filed.

Report download