Climate Action

Climate Action

Climate Action

Climate Commitments and Actions

Inventec places great importance on the global issue of climate change and follows the Science Based Targets (SBT) methodology to address corporate climate risks and potential industry opportunities. In alignment with the principles of the Net-Zero Science Based Targets (Net-Zero SBT), Inventec has set a goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions, using 2020 as the baseline year. Inventec is actively implementing various carbon reduction projects to align with the Paris Agreement's objective of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, thereby fulfilling corporate social responsibility. Moreover, with proactive self-reduction efforts, ICC successfully obtained the SBTi target validation in December 2023.

Inventec SBT carbon reduction target

Under the WB2C (Well Below 1.5°C) scenario, the goal to be achieved for absolute carbon reduction by 2030.

Near-Term (2030)

Scope 1 and 2: GHG emissions reduced by 42% 

Scope 3:Promoting key supplier partners to undergo carbon reduction target verification through SBTi.
Medium to Long Term (2050)  
Net Zero Emissions


Total Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions (Market-Based) in 2023 were 105,241.5704 tCO2e. Note 1,A reduction of 20.82% compared to the 2020 Base year. A reduction of 9.41% compared to the 2023 reduction target of 116,172.4702 tCO2eNote2


  • Note 1: The carbon offset from purchasing renewable energy and international renewable energy certificates amounted to 26,360.4336 tCO2e.
  • Note 2: The inventory boundary includes the following sites: IET, ITO, TAO, TPE, TNN, IJC, ICC, IPT, SQT, IMX, ICZ, and Inventec Appliances (Taipei, Nanjing, Shanghai, Malaysia, and Vietnam).

Value Chain GHG Emission Management

Since 2008, Inventec has conducted greenhouse gas inventory assessments continuously for 16 years. To ensure stakeholder acceptance of these assessments, the process and documentation adhere to regulations such as the Executive Yuan Ministry of Environment’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Registration
and Management Regulations, as well as international standards such as ISO 14064-1. These efforts are verified by third-party audits. Furthermore, to expand the scope of inventory assessments and enhance data analysis efficiency, Inventec utilizes a carbon management platform for digital inventory assessments. This approach enables real-time and efficient management of greenhouse gas emissions data. In 2023, Inventec further optimized GHG management platform in iSupplier (Supplier Management Platform) to enhance data collection from suppliers, thereby improving the quality of data related to indirect emissions.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Scope 1 and 2 Emissions Intensity
Scope 3 Emissions
Purchased goods and services137,658195,876170,931129,928
Capital goods----
Fuel and energy related activities----
Upstream transportation and distribution3,3642,0291,373627
Waste generated in operations2,0812,1591,6641,368
Business travel1792262621,285
Employee commuting2,3052,6362,7322,290
Upstream leased assets----
Downstream transportation and distribution64,52555,991119,98636,965
Processing of sold products and services----
Use of sold products and services293,723364,671543,288666,546
End-of-life treatment of sold products and services----
Downstream leased assets-4,2495,0974,754
  • 「-」represents N/A for Inventec. In 2023, independent inventory was conducted for five key production sites of its subsidiary,Inventec Appliances, hence "Investments" are marked as not applicable.

Energy Usage

Renewable Energy Usage

Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Achievements

Inventec's climate mitigation measures are focused on “energy conservation”and“promoting renewable energy”. Inventec also has dedicated units in each factory, such as factory management team, to set annual energy-saving targets and implement diverse carbon reduction plans. Additionally, Inventec has established the mechanism for regular reporting to sustainable environment team to facilitate experience sharing among factories. This approach ensures that we effectively monitor short, medium, and long-term carbon reduction results and progress, which are reported to the Sustainability Committee and Board of Directors.

Energy Conservation

1 Replacement with low-carbon, energy-saving equipment
  • Replace with low-carbon, energy-saving equipment such as lighting fixtures and natural gas boilers.
  • Install or upgrade equipment with inverter functions such as air compressors, cooling water pumps, and fans.
  • Minimize the energy consumption of humidifiers.
2 Process Optimization
  • Continuously adjust the equipment configuration, such as the number of power-consuming equipment like air compressors and chillers, based on the production schedule for each production line.
  • Install time-controlled switches according to seasonal changes, such as road lights and factory neon lights of regional lighting equipment .
  • Adjust the frequency of use for energy-consuming equipment, air conditioning systems, etc.
3 Improving efficiency and increasing reuse
  • Retrofit air compressors for heat recovery.
  • Regularly adding chemicals, cleaning, and replacing components to enhance heat exchange and air supply efficiency, such as plate heat exchangers, cooling water towers, and filter bags.
  • Maximize the use of external fresh air, such as air conditioning in fall and winter.
2023 Energy-Saving Results
Energy-Saving projects
22   projects
>973  million kWh

Promotion of Renewable Energy

  1. Establishing in-house renewable energy power station
    • Solar power station
  2. Adopting diversified renewable energy solutions
    • Purchase renewable energy electricity
    • Purchase renewable energy certificates
The proportion of renewable energy usage will reach 55% by 2030
2023 Renewable Energy Usage
Power usage
45,837 MWh
The proportion of renewable energy consumption
18.54 %
Deduction (market basis)
26,360 tCO2e
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