Input and Results

Input and Results

Input and Results

Inventec’s Long-term Focus

Participation in community park greening and adoption activities
Supporting various artistic and cultural promotion activities
Participation in and support for activities organized by government agencies
Disaster relief donations
Charity support and donations

In 2023, the social donations of the Inventec Group Charity Foundation reached NT$15,928,000, focusing on environmental conservation, art and culture, and social welfare for the elderly, physical and mental disability, children, adolescents, women, etc.

Colleague Participation

Elderly Care
Care disadvantaged elders living alone and those with disabilities or dementia through promoting healthy meals and providing outdoor activities, thereby enhancing community engagement and health among senior citizens.

Women and Children Welfare
Support daily needs of economically disadvantaged families, encouraging families who have lost a parent to face their challenges bravely, helping them get out of hardship and earn a living independently, and bringing comfort.

Welfare for the Disabled
We support individuals with disabilities who have lost family support by meeting their daily needs and helping them develop their potential, thereby maintaining a healthy quality of life.

Blood Donation Event
Inventec has been supporting blood donation for 30 years and regularly holds blood donation events a year, and the number of participants has reached 15,170 people with a total blood donation volume of 5,877,600 milliliters.

Arts and Culture Sponsorship_ The 7th World Music Festival 2023
The Inventec Charity Foundation has long supported the World Music Festival, and in 2023, for the first time, the festival was held at the Taipei Music Center. The four-day event attracted more than 30,000 to join.

Arts and Culture Sponsorship_Taipei International Choral Festival
We sponsored the largest choral event in Asia, the "Taipei International Choral Festival". The 2023 festival featured top choirs from Taiwan, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey, and the Philippines, performing in classic concerts. Also, the Inventec Charity Night was held, where employees were invited to support the arts.
Inventec Volunteer Services


The Summary of Different Types of Volunteering
  • The total number of public welfare service hours reached 11,819.5 hours in 2023.

Public Welfare Collaboration

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