Customer Relationship

Customer Relationship

Customer Relationship

Customer Relationship Policy 
Upholding innovative business philosophy and maximizing quality to fulfill commitments to customers and partners 

It has been Inventec’s long-standing business philosophy to emphasize its commitment to customers and provide them with competitive and high-quality products. Meanwhile, we align with customer policies and the group’s operating objectives, making timely adjustment to our business strategy as needed to achieve our goals.

Customer Service Mechanism

Inventec has set up a customer service unit and a dedicated point of contact to ensure that customers can be proactively cared for, contacted immediately, and provided with opportunities for feedback throughout the service process from order receipt to shipment.


Customer Complaint Handling Process

We have established complete standard procedures for customer complaint operations, and arranged project reviews to analyze causes, correct and formulate preventive measures, as well as confirm effectiveness to promptly resolve and provide feedback to customers.


Customer Satisfaction

To enhance customer satisfaction, Inventec conducts internal evaluation processes and customer satisfaction surveys (QBR), consistently gathering customer feedback on quality, cost, delivery, service, and technology. We proactively respond to these feedback to create additional value and provide higher-quality services.In 2023, Inventec QBR score target is set at 90 or above, and the coverage rate target is above 90, both of which have been met.


QBR 93.76 
coverage rate 93.17 %
QBR 94.14 
coverage rate 93.67 %
QBR 94.71 
coverage rate 92.50 %
QBR 94.25 
coverage rate 93.00 %

Product Environmental Labels and Certifications

In response to global environmental regulations and to provide our customers with better environmental services, we assist our customers in obtaining the environmental mark certification for their products every year. The types of products covered by this certification include notebook computers, desktop computers, tablets, thin clients, and All-in-One (AIO) computers.

Taiwan Green Mark




Energy Star


TCO Certified

Information Security Protection Measures

Every year, Inventec undergoes information security audits from customers, internal self-inspections, and external third parties. These audits are conducted in accordance with information security frameworks and controls such as ISO 27001, covering various aspects including security policies, information security organization, human resource security, asset management, access control, cryptography, physical and environmental security, operations security, communication security, information system development, acquisition and maintenance, supplier relationships, information incident management, continuous operation management, and compliance.

Privacy Protection

To ensure the proper protection of confidential customer information obtained during the course of business, Inventec has established stringent measures. In addition to specifying in the Employee Code of Conduct that all company-related confidential information must be kept secret, the ethics policy at each factory mandates the establishment of confidentiality mechanism. These policies guarantee the confidentiality and security of all relevant information from associated parties. Moreover, it is required that personal information be collected, stored, processed, transmitted, and shared in compliance with privacy and information security regulations.

Inventec requires its supply chain partners to reasonably protect the personal information and privacy of anyone with whom they conduct business, including suppliers, customers, consumers, and employees. They are required to comply with privacy and information security laws and regulatory requirements when collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, and sharing personal information.In 2023, Inventec did not receive any complaints regarding the violation of customer privacy or the loss of customer information.

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