Sustainability Governance Organization

Sustainability Governance Organization

Sustainability Governance Organization

Sustainability Committee

Organization structure

Inventec established the "Inventec Sustainability Committee" under the Board of Directors in 2022. The committee serves as the highest guiding organization for sustainable development and reports to the Board of Directors on a regular basis. Under the Sustainability Committee, six functional teams have been set up, namely, Corporate Governance, Green Innovation, Sustainable Environment, Sustainable Supply Chain, Risk Management and Social Inclusion, which are led by senior executives. Simultaneously, the "Sustainability Office" has been established as a dedicated unit to assist the Sustainability Committee in carrying out various sustainability projects. We look forward to the collective efforts of all staff in laying the cornerstone for Inventec’s sustainable development.


Roles and responsibilities of the six functional teams

Functional TeamRoles and Responsibilities
Corporate GovernanceStrengthening duties and functions of the Board, implementing integrity management, and enhancing stakeholder communication
Green InnovationDeveloping technology to enhance product sustainability, focusing on green intellectual property, and researching on circular economy
Sustainable EnvironmentAdaptation and identification of climate resilience, low-carbon transition, renewable energy management, and environmental friendliness
Sustainable Supply ChainCollaboration with the supply chain, creating co-prosperity of the ESG ecosystem, and implementing responsible procurement
Risk ManagementEstablishing risk management system, identifing and adapting to risks to minimize impacts
Social InclusionEnhancing human capital, developing corporate value through social engagement, focusing on occupational safety and health, emphasizing human rights and carrying out human rights due diligence
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