Whistleblowing Channels

Whistleblowing Channels

Whistleblowing Channels

Whistleblowing Channels

In accordance with the "Employee Grievance and External Reporting Management Specifications", Inventec has established standard operating procedures and confidentiality mechanism for handling reported cases. Disciplinary actions are taken based on investigation standards and principles.
A dedicated personnel is assigned to handle complaints about major disciplinary or misconduct cases. When employees encounter inappropriate, illegal or unreasonable incidents, they can file a complaint through the grievance system. The whistleblower will be protected from discrimination, coercion, reassignment, or other unfavorable treatment in accordance with the handling principles.

dedicated grievance and whistleblowing hotline

886-2-2881-0721 #21999


dedicated grievance and whistleblowing email



Colleague complaint cases officially filed in 2023

Report download