Sustainable Products

Sustainable Products

Sustainable Products

Sustainable Products

Inventec adheres to the low-carbon transition strategy of "building a foundation for circular innovation", leveraging its technological advantages to incorporate circular innovation thinking into the product design and service solutions. This approach promotes systemic cooperation across the value
chain. By expanding into fields such as 5G smart factories and AI big data, Inventec creates opportunities for carbon reduction at every stage of the product life cycle.

Green Design Strategy

Inventec strives to reduce environmental impact, lessening the burden on land and oceans, and achieving the goal of sustainable use of terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Green Design Principles

  • Consider durability and optimal functionality
  • Avoid using raw materials containing toxic substances
  • Reduce total energy consumption throughout the product life cycle
  • Design for clean production and usage
  • 3R principles: Reuse, Recovery and Recycling
Green Commitment

Save resources

Save energy

Low pollution




Optimal functionality

Less impact
Short, Medium and Long term Goal Setting
Energy-Saving Innovative TechnologyDevelopment of cooling technology aimed at reducing energy consumption compared to current technologies.Develop a 60kW singlephase immersion cooling system with a partial Power Usage Effectiveness (pPUE) of 1.03.Use sustainable and environmentally friendly immersion cooling fluids and develop a 100kW single-phase immersion cooling system while maintaining a pPUE of 1.03.Continue research and development efforts.
Plastic reduction in
packaging materials
De-plasticization ratio of laptop packaging (%)>50%>60%>85%
Reduction in plastic usage for server packaging (%)>5%>50%>50%
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