



Inventec is fully aware of the importance of biodiversity to the ecological environment and recognizes that the preservation of biodiversity is the responsibility of all global citizens, which is at the forefront of the Company’s sustainable development. As a result, Inventec has formulated the “Inventec Biodiversity and No Deforestation Commitment”, which has been approved by the Sustainability Committee and reported to the Board of Directors, taking effect upon announcement. Inventec will continue to invest resources to mitigate the impact of the operations on the environment, striving for harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Commitments and Actions

  1. Inventec strives to achieve no gross deforestation in its operations and value chain activities by 2050.
  2. Inventec is committed to avoiding establishing factories or conducting operations in international and national critical biodiversity areas.
  3. We conduct biodiversity risk assessments to identify the “dependence” and “impact” of suppliers and Inventec’s operations on ecosystem services and biodiversity. Additionally, we set biodiversity-related targets for priority areas and adopt the mitigation hierarchy measures including avoidance, minimization, restoration, and offsetting in sequence to achieve no net loss (NNL) and move towards net positive impact (NPI).
  4. We work with suppliers to ensure that they adhere to the Inventec Biodiversity and No Deforestation commitment, joining hands with us to maintain forest sustainability and biodiversity. Furthermore, we require suppliers to support and prioritize biodiversity and forest conservation around their operating areas, as outlined in the “Inventec Supplier Code of Conduct”.
  5. We are committed to supporting and participating in initiatives and collaborative projects related to forest protection and biodiversity.
  6. We undertake to publicly disclose the progress and outcomes related to our biodiversity and no deforestation commitments on a regular basis.


    For more details, please refer to the policy "Inventec Biodiversity and No Deforestation Commitment ".

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