Training and Development

Training and Development

Training and Development

Training and Development

Inventec places a high value on its human capital and offers a comprehensive training system consisting of five main categories to meet the development needs of employees at different career stages. At the core of this system is our core value courses, which serves as a focal point for conveying the corporate culture and values of Inventec. Additionally, we have structured our training around two primary focuses, including level-based courses and function-based courses, which are designed to tailor individual development plans for our employees, enhancing the skills and competencies required for their roles. Furthermore, we provide language courses to our employees through our language school, allowing them to enhance their competitive edge. Lastly, our digital courses offer a diverse learning environment, enabling our employees to enjoy learning anytime, anywhere.

Training and Development Plan
Core Value Courses

Shaping the Inventec DNA through formal meetings and activities, such as monthly meetings, Director-level meetings, management forums, strategy meetings, soft skills/motivational lectures, team-building exercises, etc.

Level-based Courses

Management-oriented courses are designed based on the needs of different levels. These courses help to enhance employees' management capabilities and foster a common communication language and management beliefs through meetings and day-to-day interactions, aiming to improve organizational performance. Course categories include top manager training, mid-level manager training, entry-level manager training, new manager training, specialized training, new employee training, production personnel training, etc.

Function-based Courses

Inventec provides basic and advanced courses and lectures for various professional knowledge or technical skills to meet the specific functional needs of employees. The courses cover topics such as innovation, product technology, research and development production technology, patent and intellectual property, industry intelligence, environmental safety and health, etc.

Digital Courses

Inventec has established E-Learning and E-Library digital learning platforms and provided an environment where employees can engage in self-directed learning anytime, anywhere, so as to enhance job value and organizational competitiveness. The courses cover industry trends, languages, management, and a variety of professional topics.

Language Courses

To meet the demands of the group's internationalization and competitiveness, Inventec is committed to developing talent with multilingual abilities. Inventec provides courses in foreign languages such as English and Japanese to meet the immediate business needs of employees.

Training and Development System

To address various needs at different stages of career, we provide tailored training for our employees in order to foster a learning organization.

  1. “People-oriented” Corporate Culture 

    Enhancing management capabilities and professional competence in a planned way to strengthen international competitive advantages through continuous innovation, improvement and learning exchanges.

  2. A Learning Organization that is Constantly Innovating and Improving 

    With the purpose of achieving corporate operation goals and strategy, and based on the actual needs, we aim to provide employees with a good training environment as well as talent development plans.

  3. Equal Emphasis on Training and Development 

    With “Learning together, Growing together” as the core value, we strive to provide diverse training channels and excellent internal and external instructors for colleagues to choose from.

Inventec has designed “Leadership”, “Management Development” and “Excellent Management” development programs for junior, mid-level, and top managers respectively.

Training Results

Inventec places a strong emphasis on talent development. To enhance knowledge and experience sharing, Inventec leverages the strength of internal instructors to achieve greater team learning synergy. Thus, a reserve instructor certification course was launched to enhance professional teaching skills and experience required for their roles as internal instructors. Additionally, to constantly foster a learning culture across the organization and leverage group resource sharing, Inventec has implemented an E-Learning platform along with a diversified courses enhancement project. This initiative encourages employees to make good use of the E-Learning platform to stay abreast of dynamic industry trends and new technologies, promote innovation and growth, and deploy digital transformation in advance, so that colleagues can enjoy learning without being limited by time and space.

2023 Taiwan Internal Instructor
Cumulative number of trainees


2023 Digita Learning 
Cumulative number of trainees
        466,876 persons
The Average Number of Training Hours Per Employee (unit: hours)





Top management





Middle and Junior management





Indirect labor





Direct labor





All employees





2023 Hackathon program 

The program started from July to September 2023.The Hackathon project proposals were based on the company's future business direction and strategy which includes AI, blockchain, cloud computing, data science data science, ESG and 5G. In the competition period, Inventec injected as internal experts, online courses, and one-on-one briefing workshops, providing resources to support the advancement of each competing team’s projects.  

Goals and Benefits

In addition to the on-site evaluation by internal and external experts, where the top three teams are selected through review, questioning, and suggestions, a "Practical Application Competition" is also planned. This competition aims to produce projects with practical application value by evaluating three aspects: collecting user feedback, assessing the project's benefits over the next three years, and approving intellectual property proposals. From the projects developed during the 2023 hackathon, significant improvements in both time efficiency and financial benefits were achieved as below, taking "Innovative Tool Development" and "Smart Manufacturing" as examples.


  • Design efficiency was boosted by 4.8 times, an automated system shortened design time by 70%.
  • Resulting in a manpower cost saving of $1.8 million over three years, and avoid rework losses of $1.46 million.
  • Reduction in software procurement costs by $18 million.


Employee Involvement
  • Training and participation figures: Total of 3,545 attendances. 

Industry-Academia Cooperation

Inventec actively engages in campus recruitment, utilizing a variety of industry-academia cooperation to comprehensively attract outstanding talents.

Corporate Visit

In 2023, a total of 2 corporate visits were arranged for National Taiwan University and National Central University, attracting nearly 100 future potential R&D talents to participate, and enhancing corporate visibility and recognition.

Campus Recruitment

Inventec participates in campus recruitment events at National Taiwan University, National Taipei University of Technology and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology to recruit R&D talents with potential on campus.

Collaborative Teaching with Industry Experts

In cooperation with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University and the overall course satisfaction reached over 90%.

Research Institute

Inventec cooperates with National Taiwan University of Science and Technology to jointly plan college courses, cultivate AI talents on a long-term and continuous basis, establish connections with students, and increase students' willingness to join the workforce after graduation.

Industry Master Special Program

Inventec cooperates with the Institute of Electrical Engineering of National Cheng Kung University to jointly cultivate top R&D professionals.

Enterprise Special Program

Inventec cooperates with the Department of Mechanical Engineering of National Central University and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Tamkang University to cultivate potential R&D talents to achieve the goal of integration of industry and academy.

Internship Cooperation

Inventec cooperates with more than 10 public and private colleges and nearly 20 departments in Taiwan, so that students can enter the industry as soon as possible, and can quickly adapt to the pace of the industry in the future.

Excellent Talent Scholarship

Available for students from colleges and universities across the country. In 2023, a total of more than one million scholarships were issued to encourage students to enter the technology research and development industry in the future.

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