Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

Acknowledgement and ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS OF USE
  1. This " Terms of Use of Inventec Group Website " is established by Inventec Corporation and is applied to all websites provided by Inventec Corporation, and/or its affiliates ("INVENTEC") (collectively, the "Site"). By entering into or using the Site of INVENTEC, YOU have read, understood and agreed to this Terms of Use.
  2. INVENTEC reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or change any portion of the Terms of Use , and to release or update such modification or change into the Site from time to time. INVENTEC will not inform YOU of any such changes separately. Please check this Terms of Use periodically. If YOU do not agree this Terms of Use, please stop using the Site immediately.
  1. YOU understand the Site and the contents contained on the Site (including the website designs, photographs, graphics, videos, texts and any descriptions, etc.) are owned or controlled by INVENTEC or licensed by third parties. In no event may YOU change or copy any portion or content in the Site, claim any ownership, remove any intellectual property notice, and/or use any intellectual property right, unless YOU obtain INVENTEC or its Licensor’s express prior written consent.
  2. YOU acknowledge and agree that the company names, product names, service names, trademarks and logos (collectively, the "Trademarks") used and displayed in this Site are registered or applied for registration of INVENTEC or other third parties’ trademarks or service marks . YOU are not authorized to use the Trademarks or any intellectual property in the Site unless otherwise with the prior written consent of INVENTEC or its owners. If you would like to use INVENTEC Trademarks, please get a prior written authorization from INVENTEC and comply with the〈Guidelines for Using Inventec Trademark〉.

INVENTEC will maintain the operation of the Site in accordance with reasonable techniques and methods. However, in no event will INVENTEC be liable to YOU for any interruption or stop of website function due to Force Majeure event, including but not limited to any acts of God, fires, floods, earthquakes, wars, third party industrial disputes, government actions, or any other reason which is not attributable to INVENTEC’s fault.


YOU warrant that YOU will not use the Site for any illegal purpose or in any illegal way, YOU will comply with all relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and international practices in the use of Internet, and YOU will not use the Site to infringe INVENTEC or any third party’s right or to perform any illegal activity.

  1. YOU may be asked to fill out a form or in other format to provide your name, e-mail address, telephone number or any other information or data which can identify YOU (the "Personal Information") when YOU browse or use the Site. YOUR Personal Information will be stored properly, collected, processed and used by INVENTEC in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and its relevant regulations.
  2. The Personal Information collected by INVENTEC will be used to debug and improve the Site in order to provide you a better experience of using the Site. Except for the purpose abovementioned, in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations, or otherwise be requested by any government or judicial authorities, the Personal Information may be used or disclosed by INVENTEC to assist any government investigation, prevent any illegal activity, or protect any legal claim or defense.
  3. YOU have a right from time to time to inquire, review, make duplications, supplement or correct the Personal Information provided by YOU, to request INVENTEC to discontinue the collection, processing, use of YOUR Personal Information, and/or to delete YOUR Personal Information. Any requests abovementioned can be made through our contact phone number or e-mail address listed below.
  4. This Site is equipped with information security protection, such as firewalls, anti - virus systems. Other electronic, procedural and tangible secure protections are in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations. Please feel ease in using them.

YOU acknowledge and agree in the event of any violation or threatened violation of laws or regulations, infringement or leakage of any personal information claimed by any government or third party in relation to the contents in the Site, in order to protect the rights of INVENTEC and third parties, to limit further loss, damage or dispute, INVENTEC may, without prior written notice, remove the disputed content, stop accessing such content and/or suspend using any portion or all of the Site functions, and INVENTEC will not be liable for any of your loss or damage arising out of such matter.

  1. YOU acknowledge the use of the Site is due to your personal willingness, and YOU will take all risks and comply with the relevant laws and regulations. Except it is against the laws, in no event will INVENTEC be liable to YOU for any indirect, consequential, continuing, derivative, or punitive losses or damages in relation with the use of this Site, including loss of profits.
  2. YOU acknowledge that the Site may contain links to websites or internet sources, but it doesn’t mean such links or websites are in connection with INVENTEC, YOU should assume all losses and risks of clicking the link and departing from the Site at your own discretion.
  1. This Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China.
  2. In case of any dispute between YOU and INVENTEC arising out of or in connection with this Terms of Use, both parties agree that the Shih-Lin District Court shall be the court of first instance.


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