Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Management 

With the goal of building a resilient operational foundation, Inventec conducts risk assessments on the impact of "environmental, social and corporate governance" issues on the company's operations every year in accordance with the materiality principles of the Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles. Furthermore, Inventec adopts Business Continuity Plan (BCP) as one of the most important risk management tools, allowing the company to utilize the contingency plans prepared in advance to prevent and minimize the impact of emergencies on Inventec and maintain the optimal mode of ongoing operations. 

Over the years, we have been carrying out risk management plans and conducting drills in response to various types of incidents. We have completed BCP and drills for scenarios such as floods, high temperatures, fires, earthquakes, poison prevention, information security, and epidemics. We will also continue to conduct and improve case exercises in various scenarios in order to continuously enhance Inventec's ability to respond to different situations. 

The risk assessment boundary division is based on the Company and its subsidiary, covering Headquarters and major production bases and group companies.

Key Scenarios in Business Continuity
  • Fire in the information data center
  • Fire evacuation in the factory
  • Power outage
  • Production backup in other sites
  • Employee health and safety
  • Digital resilience, such as AR augmented reality
  • Disruption of production machines
  • Equipment damage
  • Employee evacuation
Poison Prevention
  • Chemical leakage
  • Food poisoning
Fuel Supply Shortage
  • Raw material inventory monitoring
Digital Threats
  • Data backup and restoration
  • System abnormality
  • Cyber attack
  • Virus infection

Case: Epidemic Prevention Contingency Plan

According to the annual "Global Risk Report" released by the World Economic Forum (WEF), epidemics have been increasing the risk levels year by year. Inventec has adopted the contingency plan of COVID-19 outbreak as part of the Business Continuity Planning for infectious diseases.

Three Major Management Mechanisms for COVID-19 Prevention


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