Message from the Top Management

Message from the Top Management

Message from the Top Management

Message from the Top Management

2023 was a challenging year. As European and American countries continued with monetary tightening policies, economic growth has slowed down. On the environmental front, 2023 was the hottest year on record, and energy shortages remained a significant issue for major economies. Amid this volatile environment, Inventec's management team has proactively adopted effective strategies to address challenges. We have not only maintained our competitive edge in core businesses but also continued to explore emerging markets, enhance production automation, and bolster supply chain resilience. With a business philosophy that integrates sustainability and innovation, we are vigorously investing in new ventures such as automotive electronics, IoT products, and 5G applications, while expanding our overseas production bases. 

Aligning with our group’s core sustainability strategy: "Low-Carbon Economy, Equal Emphasis on Profit & Responsibility, and Creating a Sustainable Ecosystem", Inventec Sustainability Committee has laid out a series of plans and initiatives in 2023. We have set up six functional teams to establish short-, medium-, and long-term plans and goals. Through cross-business group, cross-department, and cross-factory collaboration, we are accelerating our progress on the path of sustainability.

Inventec has committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. We have mapped out a net-zero pathway and are dedicated to meeting our annual carbon reduction targets through five key strategies. We leverage AI and digital tools for carbon management, optimize energy systems to reduce consumption, initiate carbon footprint and green design projects, and aim to collaborate with suppliers to develop lowcarbon products going forward. We have also established an environmental risk governance framework based on the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to better assess risks and seize opportunities. In 2023, our Chongqing plant (ICC) successfully passed the SBTi review for its science-based carbon reduction targets, and our Taoyuan plant (TAO) obtained the UL 2799 Platinum certification. We will continue to promote various certifications across our plants to minimize the environmental impact from our operations.

Inventec has established a risk management system, placing greater emphasis on information security and privacy protection. Upholding the principles of ethical management, we oppose any form of corruption or misconduct and have set up corresponding oversight and reporting mechanisms. Additionally, we have strengthened supply chain management and partnerships, and enhanced communication and engagement with stakeholders. To increase interaction and earn the trust of stakeholders, we respond to their sustainability concerns through a variety of channels and accurately present our efforts in the annual sustainability report, ensuring transparent and equitable information disclosure.

Inventec is committed to creating a friendly workplace that is diverse, equal, and inclusive, valuing labor relations and providing a good working environment and benefits based on the needs of employees. We have conducted human rights due diligence within the Company and among our suppliers, and published the Inventec Human Rights Policy, setting out measures to address issues of high concern. Moving forward, we will conduct human rights due diligence at least once every two years to prevent any human rights violations. Both Inventec and the Inventec Group Charity Foundation have consistently supported disadvantaged groups, with a significant increase in support for arts and cultural institutions in recent years. Delivering resources to where they are needed is our responsibility and commitment to society.

In the face of various challenges, we build on sustainability and continue to invest in R&D and foster innovation with the aim of incorporating ESG principles into our corporate culture and employee beliefs. We are actively expanding globally and developing new businesses, while strengthening partnerships with the value chain. As Inventec approaches its 50th anniversary, we are at a pivotal moment. We will continue to fulfill our commitment of sustainability with innovation, and inspire innovation through sustainability strategies, steadfastly and confidently moving towards the next 50 years.


Chairman Yeh, Li-Cheng
President Tsai, Chih-An


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