Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk Management Policy

In order to efficiently prevent and control risks, improve management performance, and achieve the goal of sustainable operation. Inventec identifies material risks, evaluates risks analysis, clarifies corresponding strategies, strengthens response mechanism, effectively reduces risks, and enhances competitiveness. Through the evaluation, design, implementation and operation of internal control operating procedures of each unit, risk control objectives are achieved to protect shareholders' rights and maintain the company's competitiveness.

Risk Management Organization

Inventec’s Board of Directors is the highest governing body for risk management and bears the ultimate responsibility for risk management. The three Independent Directors of the Board have extensive experience in banking, regulations, securities, business management, risk management and other related fields. Leveraging their expertise, experience and independence, they provide advice and diligently fulfill their oversight duties.


To strengthen risk management, the Risk Management Team has been set up under the Sustainability Committee. This team, composed of colleagues across departments, is responsible for addressing risk management-related matters and establishing a systematic operating mechanism. Following the Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles, we conduct risk assessments on environmental, social and corporate governance issues related to the Company’s operations based on the materiality principle. The Sustainability Committee reports to the Board of Directors on the implementation status and results of risk management in the second quarter of each year, which allows the Board of Directors to oversee the operation and overall implementation of the risk management mechanism.


The scope of risk management covers all companies within the group, and risk management team members are assumed by the head of each corporate unit and business unit. Risk management officers are assigned by the risk management team members from their respective units to carry out various risk management related tasks in daily operations.


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