Inventec joined the “TALENT, in Taiwan, Taiwan Talent Sustainability Action Alliance”


Inventec joined the “TALENT, in Taiwan, Taiwan Talent Sustainability Action Alliance”

Inventec joined the “TALENT, in Taiwan, Taiwan Talent Sustainability Action Alliance”

Purpose and Value

Upholding the core business values of “Innovation, Quality, Open Mind, Execution and Accountability”, Inventec continues to keep abreast of ESG issues and goals of net zero emissions and digital transformation through experience transfer and resource sharing internally. With the mindset of “be more caring and take more responsibility” and “take on the challenges and engage in the game”, we strive for continuous growth in the face of a challenging business environment. Moreover, by maintaining a competitive advantage in the important ABCD5Q technologies, Inventec is able to bring better profits to all shareholders and colleagues while pursuing sustainable development of the company.


Diversity and Inclusion

“Diversity and Inclusion” is an important key to creating a diverse and inclusive culture in the workplace. In this regard, Inventec is committed to fostering an equal, respectful, and open working environment. :
In terms of talent recruitment, Inventec is guided by the principle of talent sustainability. In addition to explicitly and publicly promising to treat all applicants fairly, Inventec also operates through various strategic mechanisms to attract global talents to join the Inventec family. Furthermore, Inventec treats every employee equally and respects that each employee is an independent and different individual, striving to provide diverse training and development opportunities so that each employee can fully showcase their expertise and creativity.

Organizational Communication

Inventec is actively committed to building diversified and smooth communication channels. In addition to conducting employee satisfaction surveys on a regular basis, Inventec also uses multiple communication mechanisms to provide employees with a platform for instant feedback and regular interaction, allowing them to voice their opinions. During the epidemic, apart from the existing communication platform, Inventec’s digital app has continuously improved and expanded its functions, allowing colleagues to conduct two-way communication while reducing physical gatherings. In terms of talent development training courses and soft skill activities, Inventec conducts “training and development needs” surveys regularly to understand the training and development requirements for departments and employees in both professional skills and soft skills seminar topics. In recent years, Inventec has been actively managing social media to expand the channels of interaction with employees and the public.


Physical and Mental Health

“Employee Health Care” is an important element for the sustainable operation of enterprises. To this end, Inventec has established a safety, health, and environment committee and its 7 factories around the world have been certified by the International Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001) in order to ensure that safety and health management is properly implemented. Moreover, Inventec has a flexible working hours policy that allows all employees to adjust their working hours according to their personal and business needs. Meanwhile, Inventec has also introduced EAP and launched various health and wellness programs to help employees achieve a work-life balance, thereby enhancing employees’ morale and job security, and creating a happy and healthy workplace.


Talent Growth

“Talent-oriented” is the most important one of Inventec’s top ten beliefs. Inventec believes that only by enhancing employees’ recognition of the Company’s core values can it truly cultivate, retain and attract talents, which will further strengthen Inventec’s high-quality human capital. Inventec’s talent management policy is built on the principles of “implement ethical corporate management; value human resources; execute talent–oriented employment without discrimination; have right person in the right place; shape an environment for the employees' sustainable development and contribution made with their excellence“. Inventec aims to create a learning organization that is constantly innovating and improving, providing a good cultivation environment for employees. Based on the Company’s operating goals and development strategies, and guided by the actual needs of employees, Inventec provides professional services such as talent cultivation and development consultation and promotes various training activities.
Inventec provides its support with actual actions and will continue to work with CommonWealth Learning, Cheers Happy Worker and more than 100 companies in Taiwan to promote and advocate for the talent sustainability initiative so as to create a better career path and future for every worker.

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