Inventec selected into Business Weekly’s Top 100 Carbon Competitive Companies


Inventec selected into Business Weekly’s Top 100 Carbon Competitive Companies

Inventec selected into Business Weekly’s Top 100 Carbon Competitive Companies

Inventec has long been deeply involved in carbon reduction issues and continues to implement climate actions. It was selected as the top 100 carbon competitive companies in Business Weekly in 2023.

Business Weekly and the National Taiwan University Risk Center's Industrial Climate Risk Research Team conducted the "Carbon Competitiveness 100" survey starting in 2022 to understand which leading companies have prepared the carbon competitiveness in the future even if regulations have not yet mandated it.


This survey combines public information and questionnaires for scoring. Public information was collected by Business Weekly from quantitative information of 401 companies in market observation post System and sustainability reports, and was scored based on the relative performance of peers. The questionnaire includes 13 question groups, such as net-zero goals, carbon reduction plans, disclosure standards, low-carbon innovation, renewable energy use, implementation of carbon fees and carbon rights, etc., to examine the actual carbon reduction actions of enterprises.


Inventec has been ranked among the top 100 carbon competitiveness companies for two consecutive years, representing Inventec's efforts on climate issues and receiving professional recognition.

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